On November 2, Sergey Bezrukov, Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Technology and Deputy Governor of Samara, a federal district alongside the Russian Volga River, led the economic and trade delegation (“Delegation”) to visit Chongqing. During their visit, they came to the headquarters of OSell, a domestic leading enterprise in cross-border e-commerce, to seek cooperation opportunities, and they hoped that OSell could introduce quality Chinese products into Russia.

The Delegation visited OSell
The Delegation was led by Sergey Bezrukov and consisted of senior officers of local listed companies and renowned enterprises in the industries of engine, ventilating equipment, logistics, food and other sectors. Samara, as the area with more advanced industry and agriculture in Russia, is now making great efforts in opening up and attracting investments and this time, it hopes to cooperate with local enterprises in Chongqing of auto manufacturing, equipment manufacturing, chemical engineering, infrastructure construction, cross-border e-commerce, food processing, import and export trade and environmental protection. At the same time, it hopes to take advantage of OSell to integrate and introduce relevant supply chain resources in other regions of China, as well as other popular products in Russia including furniture, hardware and bathroom accessories and tools.

The Delegation is negotiating with WEI Tao (second from the left), manager of OSell e-commerce platform, over cooperation details
Upon knowing the OSell Cross-border B2B Franchising Service Center, members of the Delegation became very interested and indicated their intention of visiting the OSell Cross-border B2B Franchising Service Center constructed in Moscow. They further extended their hopes for OSell to construct OSell Cross-border B2B Franchising Service Center in Samara so as to introduce quality Chinese commodities into local communities. They hope that this act would not only broaden the overseas market for “Made in China” products, but also promote the development of Samara’s economy and enhance the living standard for local residents.